Central Assembly is a church located in Vero Beach Florida committed to calling and equipping workers to send out to make disciples of all nations.
Lead Pastors Jon and Tammye Hamilton
Jon and Tammye Hamilton are the Lead Pastors of Central Assembly and hosts of the Global Outreach Conference. Jon is a career Christian broadcaster whose programming is currently heard on hundreds of stations throughout the US. Tammye is an educator, conference speaker, and has been instrumental in the homeschool movement for many years. After serving in leadership at Central Assembly for 30 years, the Hamiltons became the lead pastors in 2021 after receiving a specific call to begin cultivating a church culture that would resonate with passion for local and global missions while empowering and sending workers out into the nations. With 8 children and 17 grandchildren, the Hamilton family is spread across the globe reaching the unreached and underserved in Asia, South America, and the U.S. Their mission is to call and equip those longing to bring the Gospel to those in desperate need.
Global Outreach Pastors Larry and Janice Boan
Larry and Janice Boan have been married for over 43 years and have served at Central Assembly for over 42 years. Larry is a graduate of Southeastern University and him and Janice serve as the Global Outreach Pastors. Together they have 3 children and 6 grandchildren and are passionate about leaving a legacy that recognizes the importance of global missions. Larry and Janice are also the Administrators of The AmberFund, a missions initiative that provides scholarships to those going on short-term mission trips. Since 2011, when the scholarship was established, AmberFund has helped over 850 individuals to travel the globe spreading the name of Jesus, resulting in thousands of people coming to know Christ. For more information regarding AmberFund, visit www.amberfundmissions.com
The Unreached
The Ignorance
70% of evangelical Christians are unaware that there are still people who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only 29% of Christians believe that reaching the unreached around the world is “very urgent”. Less than 10% of the emerging generation says they have heard and remember what the Great Commission is all about.
The Challenge
42.3% of 8 billion people on the earth do not have access to the gospel. Of the 700 billion given to Christian causes only 450 million goes toward unreached people. Only 3.3% of missionaries serve the unreached = 13,315 foreign missionaries out of 5.5 million workers. There are more than 78,000 Evangelical Christians for every one unreached people group.
The Solution
Global Outreach Conference is all about bringing awareness of the unreached people and mobilizing workers to reach them.